A common skin disorder
Melasma is a dark skin discoloration appearing typically on sun-exposed areas of the face.
It’s characterized by brown or blue-gray patches or spots similar to freckles and caused by overproduction of cells that make melanin. Young women with darker skin tones are at greatest risk. Pregnant women, women on oral birth control, and women on hormone replacement therapy are especially prone to develop melasma.

About melasma
The skin condition known as melasma is characterized by brown or blue-grey patches as well as freckle-like spots.
Melasma is closely associated with the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which makes it a common skin disorder for women. The overproduction of melanin cells in your skin can also be triggered by exposure to UV light from the sun. While the condition is completely harmless, many people are not happy with the way it affects their appearance.
Treatment Options
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Can melasma go away on its own?
It depends upon the person, but certain cases of melasma do clear up on their own with time. Utilizing excellent skin protection from the sun is a great way to lessen your chances of developing melasma in the first place, and can help fade existing melasma over time. Treatments like laser facials and medical-grade chemical peels provide a faster and more effective way to treat melasma.
Where does melasma appear?
The most common places melasma appears include cheeks, upper lip, and forehead as well as forearms. These areas are often more exposed to the sun than other areas of your skin, which increases chances of melasma forming.
Who is at risk for melasma?
Those with fair skin are less likely to develop melasma than people who have darker skin or who tan easily in the sun. Women are much more likely to get melasma than men and account for 90% of all cases. Pregnant women are the most susceptible group.
About West Linn Aesthetics
The staff at West Linn Aesthetics includes women who easily relate to the people coming to us looking for answers to their aesthetic concerns.
We all want the same thing; to look vibrant, refreshed, and natural. Our treatments result in natural-looking enhancements because looking better helps you feel better.