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under eye treatments near me

Fight Signs of Aging with Under-Eye Treatments

Let’s face it—nobody wants to look their age. Whether you’re in your 40s or 70s, we’re all on a mission to look younger. 

The skin around your eyes is one of the first places that will give away your age. This thin and delicate skin is particularly susceptible to fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness, dark spots, and other unwanted signs of aging. 

Fortunately, under-eye treatments can help turn back the clock and restore a youthful look. 

West Linn Aesthetics is the premier med spa in Oregon, located a short distance from Portland. We offer the most advanced and effective aesthetic treatments to produce results you’ll absolutely love. In this blog, our skincare experts will explain why our eyes age and discuss the best under-eye treatments near Portland. 

If you’re ready to skip ahead and book an under-eye treatment right now, request a consultation at West Linn Aesthetics. 

The changes we see in our eyes

We all know that changes in our skin and aging go hand-in-hand. But what does it look like in the area around our eyes? 

While aging affects everyone differently, we commonly see the following symptoms around the eyes:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Frown lines
  • Under-eye bags
  • Dark circles
  • Dry and thinning skin
  • Tear trough
  • Loss in volume


Why do our eyes change?

Why are signs of aging so prominent around the eyes? There are a few reasons:

The natural structure of our skin

The skin around and under our eyes is incredibly delicate compared to other areas of our face. It is thinner and more fragile, making it more prone to damage and signs of aging. The skin around our eyes also has fewer oil glands to keep it moisturized and healthy. 

Decreased collagen and elasticity

You may know that collagen and elastin decrease with age (a major reason fine lines and wrinkles appear on our skin). But did you know that the area around your eyes has fewer collagen and elastin fibers to begin with? This makes aging eyes even more prominent. 

Frequent muscle movement

Think about how much the muscles surrounding your eyes move in a single day. From blinking to squinting to smiling, those facial muscles are hard at work! These repetitive movements contribute to the fine lines and wrinkles that appear with age. 

Redistribution of fat

Your muscles and tissues naturally get weaker over time. When this happens in the area around your eyes, fat pads can fall and collect under the eyes, making them look puffy. If this is your main concern, plastic surgery might be the best treatment for you. Our providers can provide referrals and recommendations to plastic surgeons if necessary. 

If you are not interested in surgery, we have treatments to help camouflage this condition, which we describe further below! 

Under-eye treatments near you

The experienced providers at West Linn Aesthetics have all the under-eye treatments you need for a youthful and refreshed appearance. Let’s take a closer look at each one! 

Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF)

Platelet-rich fibrin is gaining a lot of traction in the field of aesthetics. You may have heard of platelet-rich plasma, a treatment used for aging skin and hair loss, but PRF takes it a step further.

In West Linn, PRF is our go-to treat

ment for aging eyes. This natural treatment uses the power of your own platelets to heal and regenerate new, healthy skin cells. 

What it can treat

PRF can improve the appearance of the following:

  • Skin tightness
  • Skin tone
  • Dark under-eye bags
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Skin texture

How this under-eye treatment works

There are several important steps in the PRF process. 

Step 1. The blood collection

The process begins by collecting a small amount of blood from your arm, similar to a routine blood draw. Then, we place the blood into a centrifuge and separate the part we want (the platelet-rich fibrin) from the rest of the contents. 

This leaves us with a highly concentrated mix of platelets, fibrin, white blood cells, and growth factors. These contents are what we call “liquid gold,” as they help regenerate, repair, and rejuvenate the skin. 

Step 2. The injection

Next, we need to inject the PRF under your eyes so it can get to work! Injections aren’t painful, so you won’t need to worry about numbing treatments or discomfort. The whole process takes less than 30 minutes.

Step 3. PRF starts to work

As soon as we reintroduce the PRF into the area around your eyes, your body starts the repair process. PRF stimulates the production of new collagen and enhances blood circulation to reduce under-eye bags and dark circles while improving skin texture and tone. 

After the injections, you may notice a small bubble beneath your skin. You’ll want to avoid touching the treatment area as the PRF works. If the treatment area starts to swell, it means it’s working! The bubble will disappear in 2 to 3 days. 

Step 4. Next steps

PRF works best when patients receive 3 to 6 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart. After this initial series, we recommend maintenance treatments once or twice per year. 

Commonly searched questions on “PRF under-eye treatments near me” 

We know there’s a lot involved in PRF, and it can be easy to get lost in all the information. Let’s answer some of Google’s most frequently asked questions about PRF.

Is PRF safe?

PRF has few risks because it’s a natural treatment that uses the power of your body’s own resources. PRF is considered a safe and long-lasting treatment! 

What is the difference between PRP and PRF? 

PRP and PRF are similar processes. They both involve drawing blood and placing it in a centrifuge to separate the components. Where they differ is the contents they separate out. PRP extracts the platelet-rich plasma, whereas PRF takes it a step further by extracting plasma and fibrin (a natural protein helpful for wound healing). 

How many PRF treatments will I need? 

The needs of each patient will vary based on their unique skin type and aesthetic goals. We generally see the best results when patients complete a series of 3 to 6 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart. 

Dermal fillers

When patients come to us with under-eye concerns, we look at their face holistically and create a treatment plan depending on their own structure and aging face. The older we get, the more our entire face begins to fall. We can use dermal filler to add lost support and volume, as well as provide balance and symmetry! 

What dermal fillers can treat

Dermal filler can help improve the appearance of:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Hollow or sunken areas underneath the eyes
  • Under-eye bags or dark circles
  • Tear troughs

How this under-eye treatment works

Our dermal fillers are made with hyaluronic acid to improve the appearance of aging eyes. This can help in a few ways.

Increases collagen production

Collagen makes our skin smooth and tight, but unfortunately, our collagen production decreases with every passing year. Hyaluronic acid fillers help stimulate collagen production for tighter and more youthful skin. 

Adds volume

If you have hollows or sunken areas underneath your eyes, it’s due to a lack of facial volume. As we age, we tend to lose volume throughout our face. That’s where filler comes in! 


If you want to lift the skin around your eyes, you have to lift your cheeks to support it. By adding filler in the cheeks and around the eyes, we give patients a lifted and youthful look. 


Lasers are a great way to rejuvenate and treat the skin under your eyes. We often recommend ClearSilk or the HALO laser for this purpose. 

What lasers can treat

Lasers can help improve the appearance of: 

  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Skin texture
  • Skin tone
  • Redness
  • Acne
  • Acne scars
  • Sun damage

How lasers work

The ClearSilk and HALO lasers work in different ways to improve the appearance of your skin. 


ClearSilk works by delivering controlled heat energy beneath the surface of your skin. This gentle heat triggers your body to produce more collagen (which is essential for skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles). 

In addition to heat energy, ClearSilk delivers targeted light energy that reduces redness and aids in healing acne scars and sun damage. 


HALO combines two types of lasers—non-ablative and ablative. This powerful combination creates tiny injuries in the skin to stimulate the body’s natural healing response and produce new collagen and elastin. It targets both the skin’s surface and the deeper layers for drastic results!

Visit West Linn Aesthetics for under-eye treatments near you

It’s time to stop searching “under-eye treatments near me” and start your journey to youthful skin! When you come to West Linn Aesthetics, expect to be greeted by friendly and knowledgeable staff. Our experts deliver the high-quality aesthetic care you deserve, with friendly service personalized to your unique needs and goals. 

We’ll ensure you have all the educational materials necessary to make an informed choice on your treatment pathway. Contact us today. We can’t wait to hear from you! 

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